Auction Rooms Statement

Since the beginning of the Coronavirus outbreak, TW Gaze has been monitoring the situation carefully to assess the potential impact on our clients, our employees and our community. The safeguarding restrictions we have had in place have reached their limits and now, in order to abide by the government’s guidelines to ensure the safety of everybody, we consider it is essential that no-one travels to the Auction Rooms for any reason, even by appointment. 

Diss Auction Rooms will be closed in its entirety from 24 March until 1 June 2020, at the earliest.


Ultimately we shall reopen when formally sanctioned safe to do so: our pre-published auction calendar is robust, we have pre-prepared auctions ready to launch and we shall re-engage with our pattern of sales just as soon as we are permitted. Please monitor our web site for updates and scheduling.

Should you require intermediate valuation support, please email with your enquiry and we shall do our best to respond remotely.


We are acutely aware that Diss Auction Rooms represent a long-established social hub as well as a vital commercial exchange for many, many people and since 1857 no precedent exists for such a closure of the firm, not even during the two World Wars. So, we are grateful for your understanding and patience. On behalf of everyone here at TW Gaze, I would like to say thank you for the loyalty of existing clients; it is truly appreciated and we look forward to welcoming you back to our auctions very soon. If you are only now discovering us, may I be the first to say we look forward to making your acquaintance properly once business resumes..


In the meanwhile, we hope you and yours remain safe and well.


Our very best wishes,


Elizabeth Talbot & the Auction Team


